- Positioning, Navigation and Operational Geodesy
- Platforms and Sensors for Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
- Methods and Procedures for Remote Sensing Data Processing
- UAV/UGV – based Application of Geomatics
- Geomatics for Cultural Heritage and Landscape Analysis
- Geomatics for Forestry
- Geomatics for Precision Agriculture
- Geomatics for Survey and Monitoring of Structures and Infrastructures
- Geomatics for Natural Hazards and Risk
- Geomatics and Sustainable Development
- Spatial Modeling and Mapping of Diseases
- GeoAnalytics, AI and Decision Support
- GeoData: Big, Open and Official
- Open Geodata and Homogenization of Geospatial Information
- SDI and Interoperability: Now and Beyond
- GIS for Smart Cities, Sustainability, Land Planning
- Official Cartography and Public Administration
- Maritime, Military and Technical Cartography
- Historical Toponymy
- Historical GIS and Cartography
- Positioning and Location Intelligence: Indoor and Outdoor Applications
- BIM (Building Information Modelling)
- Smart Technologies for Geomatics
- Location-Based Services and Web Mapping
- Geoinformation in Education
- New Perspectives in Geomatics