#ASITA2024 Conference “Springer publication”, First announcement and call for abstract
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#ASITA2024 Conference “Springer publication”, First announcement and call for abstract

ASITA is the event where professionals, Academicians, researchers, technicians, institutional players and companies and more generally all people using Geomatics can meet and share ideas, opportunities, experiences and needs within a multidisciplinary framework aimed at proposing “best practices” useful for an effective technological transfer of research results.
ASITA 2024 in Padova will be a great opportunity to (i) highlight the contribution that Geomatics can provide in different application and research areas to public and private entities; (ii) to enable Research and Academy to gather needs and opportunities from professionals, companies and institutions for properly addressing their scientific efforts.

Springer platform for the submission of the contributions is now open!

Click HERE to send an abstract




Welcomed Topics

All contributions are expected to  refer to  actual or potential experiences involving Geomatics and in particular:


1. Artificial Intelligence in Geomatics (GeoAI).
2. New sensors, platforms and products in Remote Sensing
3. Sensors, platforms and algorithms for processing photogrammetric data
4. Indoor and outdoor positioning, navigation, and operational geodesy
5. SDI and interoperability
6. Historical GIS: cartography and historical toponymy
7. Geo(big)data, GeoAnalytics, decision support systems
8. Location-Based Services and Web Mapping
9. BIM and H-BIM (Historical/Building Information Modeling).
10. Geomatics and curricular and professional training
11. Institutional space programs and activities of space agencies (ASI, ESA, DLR, CNES, ..): services, research opportunities and experiences


1. Cultural heritage and landscape
2. Forests
3. Precision agriculture
4. Coastal and marine environment
5. Structures and infrastructures
6. Urban environment and cities
7. Cryosphere
8. Natural hazards and emergencies
9. Spatial planning for smart and sustainable cities
10. Official cartography and public administration
11. Maritime, military and technical cartography


– Abstract submission (only an abstract must be submitted at this step for evaluation): 17th June 2024
– Notification of acceptance under condition (from this moment full paper can be edited and sent): 15th July 2024
– Full paper submission : 16th September 2024
– Notification of acceptance (full paper) and revision requests are sent to authors within 14th October 2024
– Submission of the camera ready paper (including revisions) ends on 18th November 2024